Guaranteed 4.0 Online Course Package

Guaranteed 4.0 Online Course Package Sale


Guaranteed 4.0 Online Course Package

Guaranteed 4.0 Learning System

$79.95 $99.95
Our COMPLETE Learning System for College/Grad School learners.

This educational seminar details a unique study method that is guaranteed to deliver a 4.0 grade point average. The seminar is presented in a dynamic and motivational format, while providing result-oriented action steps. These steps help students define priorities and establish realistic expectations.

Step 1 teaches the learner how to maximize class time and provides insight into the unwritten rules of the academic classroom.

Step 2 firmly establishes the concept of utilizing the instructor’s knowledge, expertise, and experience to further the student’s understanding of the course material.

Step 3 instructs students on the “What, When, Why & How” of the brain-based learning techniques for obtaining a straight-A average. The old way of thinking, and studying, is challenged. Students receive specific instruction on reading retention, classroom behavior, note-taking, concept analysis and test taking.

This seminar focuses on turning the brain’s stages of learning into a practical and systematic approach to academic excellence. Learning is de-mystified, and enhanced, when students follow the simple 3-step plan. If students follow the plan and fail to obtain a 4.0 GPA, they will receive $100 from the seminar’s founder.


This Guaranteed 4.0 DVD Package includes:
- Guaranteed 4.0 LIVE ONLINE SEMINAR (instant download instructions after checkout)
- Guaranteed 4.0 Workbook
- The all new Learning system binder
- Customized Divider Sets for 5 classes
- A Gift Magnet

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